Notification about candidates who meet the requirements for taking the professional exams for representatives and intermediaries, in the regular exam term, that will be held on May 27, 2023
Decision on the organization of professional education of candidates for passing the professional exam for the performance of representation and mediation in insurance FRAMEWORK PLAN OF WORK INVITATION to take the professional exam for the performance of representation and mediation in insurance – REGULAR DEADLINE Application form for passing the professional exam
Representatives of the Insurance Agency of Republika Srpska participated in the Eastern Cooperation Conference, organized by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), held on March 22, 2023. in the headquarters of EIOPA.
Insurance Agency of Republic of Srpska, in accordance with its insurance sector supervisory function, has commenced with activities of preparation for implementation of International financial reporting standard 17 (IFRS 17).
The Insurance Agency of the Republika Srpska, in accordance with its function as the supervisor of the insurance sector, initiated preparatory activities for the implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standard 17 (IFRS 17). Organized by World Bank consultants, with the support of the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska, on March 20, 2023.…
NOTIFICATION At the 58th session, held on February 15, 2023, the Management Board of the Insurance Agency of the Republika Srpska adopted the Decision on changes to the Decision on the common tariff of premiums and the price list for liability insurance for motor vehicles in the Republika Srpska.The aforementioned Decision was published in the…
Insurance Agency of Republic of Srpska, as part of activities aiming to raise financial literacy in insurance, publishes educational video materials, which you can view or download from the followinng links:
The Insurance Agency of the Republika Srpska, as part of activities to raise financial literacy in insurance, publishes educational video materials/spots, which you can watch or download from the links below. The mentioned video materials/spots are also available under the rubric Development and Cooperation – Financial Literacy.
The Insurance Agency of Republika Srpska has issued information leaflets for the purpose of education about the benefits and risks associated with different types of insurance, as well as providing appropriate information and advice: The leaflets will be distributed free of charge, through distribution channels corresponding to the respective type of insurance, throughout the territory…
In order to raise awareness among insurance companies about the importance of timely preparation for future regulatory requirements, the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska organized an education on the topic: “Integrated risk management and the ORSA process”. Mrs. Draženka Janjanin, acting Director of the Agency, opened the lecture and emphasized that this topic…