
Law on Insurance Companies


  1. Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 17/05

Corrections, changes and additions:

  1. Correction to the Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 01/06
  2. Law on Amendments of the Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 64/06
  3. Law on Amendments of the Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 74/10
  4. Law on Amendments of the Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 47/17
  5. Law on Amendments of the Law on Insurance Companies
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 58/19


  1. Rulebook on additional supervision of groups of insurers (Official Gazette of RS No. 55/24 of June 20, 2024) [serbian version] – NEW
  2. Rulebook on the Form and Content of Supervisory and Statistical Reports of Insurance and Reinsurance companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 3/24 of 12 January 2024) [serbian version] – NEW
  3. Rulebook on Rules of Opening and Business Activities of Branch Offices of Insurance Company Branches in Inter-entity Business Activities (Off. Gazette of RS no. 77/19 of 19 September 2019)
  4. Rulebook on Content, Mode and Terms to Submit Reports, Notifications and Other Data on Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS, no. 91/14 dated on 15 October 2014) [serbian version]
  5. Rulebook on the Procedure for Acquisition of a Qualified Share in an Insurance Company (Off. Gazette of RS no. 89/19 dated on 28 Ocober 2019)
  6. Rulebook on Internal Audit in Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 77/19 of 19 September 2019)
  7. Rulebook on Repealing of the Rulebook on the System of Governance in Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 50/16 of 21 June 2016) [serbian version]
  8. Rulebook on Dealing with Complaints by Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS, no. 10/15 of 12 February 2015) [serbian version]
  9. Rulebook on the Content and the Mode of Keeping Records of Insurance Companies and the Branches of Insurance Companies with the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska (Off. Gazette of RS no. 65/13 of 1 August 2013) [serbian version]
  10. Rulebook on Elements and Control of Solvency Margin of Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette no. 103/12 of 6 November 2012)
  11. Rulebook on the Method of Capital Calculation and Adequacy of Capital of Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 89/19 dated on 28 Ocober 2019)
  12. Rulebook on the Persons on Significant Positions in the Insurance Companies (Off. Gazetteof RS no. 61/16 dated on 22 July 2016)
  13. Rulebook on the Implementation of the Law on Protection of Personal Data (Off. Gazette of RS no. 66/10 of 12 July 2010) [serbian version]
  14. Rulebook on the Mode of Determining and Monitoring of Liquidity of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 38/15 of 18 May 2015) [serbian version]
  15. Ruleboook on the Manner of Assessment of Balance and Off-balance Positions of Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS No. 10/09 of 17 February 2009) [serbian version]
  16. Rulebook on the investment of assets of Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS no. 117/20 of 27 November 2020)
  17. Rulebook on the Content of the Report of the Independent Auditor in Financial Audit and Other Reports of Insurance Companies (Off. Gazette of RS No. 7/08 of 1 February 2008) [serbian version]
  18. Rulebook on the Supervision of the Participants in the Insurance Market (Off. Gazette of RS no. 77/19 of 19 September 2019)
  19. Rulebook on the Mode of Recording and Managing of the Registry of Authorized Actuaries with the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska (Off. Gazette of RS, No. 57/06 dated on 16 June 2006) [serbian version]
  20. Rulebook on the Requirements for Acquiring and Revocation of the Title of the Certified Actuary (Off. Gazette of RS, No. 57/06 of 16 June 2006)
  21. Rulebook on the Life Insurance Related to Investments (Off. Gazette of RS, No. 116/06 dated on 30 November 2006) [serbian version]
  22. Rulebook on Technical Reserves (Off. Gazette of RS, No. 116/06 of 30 November 2006)

Law on the Obligatory Insurance in Traffic


  1. Law on the Obligatory Insurance in Traffic
    (Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 82/15)

Corrections, changes and additions:

  1. Law on Amendments to the Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurances
    (Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 78/20)
  2. Law on Amendments of the Law on the Obligatory Insurance in Traffic
    (Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 1/24)


  1. Rulebook on the Content, Mode of Collecting, Managing and Accessing Data from the Registry of the Infromation Center of the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska (Off. Gazette of RS, No. 61/16 of 22 July 2016) [serbian version]
  2. Rulebook on the minimum content of databases and central electronic records for mandatory traffic insurance (Official Gazette of RS No. 37/24 of April 25, 2024) – NEW [serbian version]
  3. Rulebook on the Mode of Determination, Calculation and Terms of Payment of Contribution to the Protection Fund of RS (Off. Gazette of RS, no. 107/15 of 25 December 2015) [serbian version]

Law on Insurance Intermediaries, Insurance and Reinsurance


  1. Law on Insurance Intermediaries, Insurance and Reinsurance
    Off. Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 47/17


  1. Rulebook on the Content and Mode of Keeping Registries of Insurance Intermediaries, insurance and reinsurance (Off. Gazette of RS No. 21/19 dated on 14 March 2019) [serbian version]
  2. Rulebook on mutual relations between insurance representatives and insurance companies and limitation of commision of insurance representatives (Off. Gazette of RS No. 21/19 dated on 14 March 2019) [serbian version]
  3. Rulebook on the Professional Examination for conduct of business of insurance representation and intermediation and business of representation of voluntary pension funds (Off. Gazette of RS No. 23/18 of 16 March 2018) [serbian version]
  4. Rulebook on the procedure for issuing the authorization and licence for insurance representation and intermediation and entry in the Registries of Insurance Agency of Republic of Srpska (Off. Gazette of RS No. 23/18 of 16 March 2018)
  5. Rulebook on Submission of Reports, Notifications and Other Data by Insurance Repesentatives and Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries (Off. Gazette of RS, no. 113/17 of 21 December 2017) [serbian version]