In Banja Luka on 29 and 30 January 2025. held a two-day TAIEX workshop on the application of International Accounting Standards 9 and 17, which was realized for the needs of the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska and the Insurance Supervision Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The held workshop is the first in a series of events within the approved TAIEX project.
During the workshop, representatives of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) shared experiences related to the preparation and implementation of International Accounting Standards 9 and 17 on the insurance market of the Republic of Croatia, which related to the dynamics and scope of preparatory activities, as well as the necessary changes to the regulatory framework, as well as the activities of supervisors following the implementation of the standards. Among other things, the structure, goals and basic terms of the standard were presented, as well as methodological approaches to transition, initial valuation and choice of discount rate.