Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРЗ-1-618
Name and surnameБожана Ракић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-137/22 from the 11.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-620
Name and surnameСања Јанковић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-126/22 from the 20.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-623
Name and surnameСандра Зонић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-135/22 from the 20.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-624
Name and surnameСнежана Мичановић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-113/22 from the 25.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-626
Name and surnameДражана Шурлан
Number and date of the work decision05-508-146/22 from the 14.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-627
Name and surnameЛела Старовић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-125/22 from the 14.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-631
Name and surnameЈелена Вучковић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-147/22 from the 11.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-632
Name and surnameМирјана Вученовић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-119/22 from the 10.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-633
Name and surnameМиља Тркља
Number and date of the work decision05-508-139/22 from the 11.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-634
Name and surnameИрма Лучић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-108/22 from the 11.10.2022.
Period of validity01.11.2022. – 31.10.2026.
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