Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРБ-1-183
Name and surnameРисто Гојшина
Number and date of the work decision05-509-1-1/23 from the 03.07.2023.
Period of validity04.07.2023. – 03.07.2027.
Register numberРБ-1-184
Name and surnameЛана Томовић
Number and date of the work decision05-509-2-1/23 from the 09.08.2023.
Period of validity10.08.2023. – 09.08.2027.
Register numberРБ-1-185
Name and surnameОгњен Алексић
Number and date of the work decision05-509-4-1/23 from the 16.11.2023.
Period of validity17.11.2023. – 16.11.2027.
Register numberРБ-1-186
Name and surnameНаталија Којић
Number and date of the work decision05-509-3-1/24 from the 28.03.2024.
Period of validity29.03.2024. – 28.03.2028.
Register numberРБ-1-187
Name and surnameМаријана Новак
Number and date of the work decision05-509-2-2/24 from the 28.03.2024.
Period of validity29.03.2024. – 28.03.2028.
Register numberРБ-1-188
Name and surnameВања Бајрами
Number and date of the work decision05-509-1-2/24 from the 28.03.2024.
Period of validity29.03.2024. – 28.03.2028.
Register numberРБ-1-189
Name and surnameНаташа Вукосављевић
Number and date of the work decision05-509-4-1/24 from the 29.03.2024.
Period of validity30.03.2024. – 29.03.2028.