Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРЗ-1-838
Name and surnameЈелена Чабрило
Number and date of the work decision05-508-116/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-839
Name and surnameИгор Видовић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-105/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-840
Name and surnameМира Митрић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-26/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-841
Name and surnameМарија Шикуљак
Number and date of the work decision05-508-27/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-842
Name and surnameМилица Тадић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-28/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-843
Name and surnameВладан Удовичић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-29/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-844
Name and surnameВесна Војновић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-30/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-845
Name and surnameИвана Мандић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-105/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-846
Name and surnameДрага Милидраговић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-113/20 from the 30.07.2020.
Period of validity31.07.2020. – 30.07.2024.
Register numberРЗ-1-847
Name and surnameВладимир Анчић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-21/20 from the 03.08.2020.
Period of validity04.08.2020. – 03.08.2024.
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