Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРЗ-1-978
Name and surnameТања Јакшић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-121/21 from the 11.11.2021.
Period of validity12.11.2021. – 11.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-979
Name and surnameЈован Цвијетиновић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-154/21 from the 18.11.2021.
Period of validity19.11.2021. – 18.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-980
Name and surnameЗоран Игњатић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-155/21 from the 18.11.2021.
Period of validity19.11.2021. – 18.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-981
Name and surnameСлађана Лукић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-158/21 from the 29.11.2021.
Period of validity30.11.2021. – 29.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-982
Name and surnameТамара Крњаић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-159/21 from the 02.12.2021.
Period of validity03.12.2021. – 02.12.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-983
Name and surnameЈово Марић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-161/21 from the 13.12.2021.
Period of validity14.12.2021. – 13.12.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-984
Name and surnameСтефан Милићевић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-160/21 from the 22.12.2021.
Period of validity23.12.2021. – 22.12.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-985
Name and surnameБранимир Предић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-162/21 from the 04.01.2022.
Period of validity05.01.2022. – 04.01.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-986
Name and surnameСмиљана Марковић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-2/22 from the 18.01.2022.
Period of validity19.01.2022. – 18.01.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-987
Name and surnameМирела Бекташ
Number and date of the work decision05-508-4/22 from the 24.01.2022.
Period of validity25.01.2022. – 24.01.2026.
1 40 41 42 43 44 61