Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРЗ-1-1029
Name and surnameТеодора Пејић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-67/22 from the 28.06.2022.
Period of validity29.06.2022. – 28.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1030
Name and surnameИвана Секулић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-64/22 from the 28.06.2022.
Period of validity29.06.2022. – 28.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1031
Name and surnameТатјана Сантрач
Number and date of the work decision05-508-65/22 from the 28.06.2022.
Period of validity29.06.2022. – 28.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1032
Name and surnameГорица Дангубић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-69/22 from the 28.06.2022.
Period of validity29.06.2022. – 28.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1033
Name and surnameДајана Вицо
Number and date of the work decision05-508-71/22 from the 28.06.2022.
Period of validity29.06.2022. – 28.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1034
Name and surnameМилана Матић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-59/22 from the 27.06.2022.
Period of validity28.06.2022. – 27.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1035
Name and surnameБојан Шкорић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-60/22 from the 27.06.2022.
Period of validity28.06.2022. – 27.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1036
Name and surnameДражена Марчета
Number and date of the work decision05-508-60/22 from the 27.06.2022.
Period of validity28.06.2022. – 27.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1037
Name and surnameВиолета Филиповић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-62/22 from the 29.06.2022.
Period of validity30.06.2022. – 29.06.2026.
Register numberРЗ-1-1038
Name and surnameРадмила Боројевић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-70/22 from the 29.06.2022.
Period of validity30.06.2022. – 29.06.2026.
1 45 46 47 48 49 61