Market Participants

Register number
Name and surname
Number and date of the work decision
Period of validity
Register numberРЗ-1-507
Name and surnameДрагана Јањуз
Number and date of the work decision05-508-134/21 from the 05.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-508
Name and surnameДрагана Глуховић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-145/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-509
Name and surnameДанијела Бјелица
Number and date of the work decision05-508-124/21 from the 10.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-511
Name and surnameРадош Јефтић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-133/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-512
Name and surnameЈелена Драгаш
Number and date of the work decision05-508-132/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-513
Name and surnameДана Југовић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-142/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-516
Name and surnameСнежана Црногорац
Number and date of the work decision05-508-144/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-517
Name and surnameВујадин Вуксић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-147/21 from the 10.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-518
Name and surnameЉиљана Секулић
Number and date of the work decision05-508-136/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
Register numberРЗ-1-519
Name and surnameМилка Шобота
Number and date of the work decision05-508-130/21 from the 09.11.2021.
Period of validity20.11.2021. – 19.11.2025.
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