In 2023, the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska continues with its project “Financial Literacy in Insurance”. Considering that the Agency is competent and aims to protect the interests of current and future insurance consumers, and to preserve trust in the insurance sector, its activity in terms of education regarding benefits and risks associated with various types of insurance, imposes the need to offer more and more complete information to interested parties through educational content.

The project is aimed at the younger population who are just about to enter the labor market and become an insurance consumer. In order to offer them the necessary information and inform them of the necessity of having the basics of financial literacy, the realization of the project is reflected in educational video content through which additional knowledge and advice are offered on how to properly manage your finances and protect yourself from certain risks.

Through educational video lectures that will be available on the website of the Insurance Agency of the Republic of Srpska, interested citizens will easily be able to get informed about topics in the field of life insurance, property, auto liability, casco insurance and accident insurance.

Through the project Financial Literacy in Insurance, the Agency aims to raise awareness of the role and importance of insurance, trying to devote itself to this task in a continuous and long-term period. Activities within financial literacy in insurance continue through a campaign via media and social networks.

Life insurance
Accident insurance
Vehicle insurance
Property insurance