
Law on the Voluntary Pension Funds

  1. Rulebook on the Conditions and Manner of Programmed Payments of Accumulated Funds in the Voluntary Pension Fund (Off. Gazette of RS No. 117/20 of 27 November 2020) [serbian version]
  2. Rulebook on Revision of Reports of Companies for Management of Voluntary Pension Funds and Voluntary Pension Fund (Off. Gazette of RS No. 120/18 of 27 December 2018) [serbian version]
  3. Rulebook on Content and Submission of Reports that Companies for Management of Voluntary Pension Funds and Voluntary Pension Fund deliever to Insurance Agency of Republic of Srpska (Off. Gazette of RS No. 43/18 of 22 May 2018) [serbian version]
  4. Rulebook on the Content and Mode of Keeping Registries of companies for managing of voluntary pension funds and the voluntary pension funds (Off. Gazette of RS No. 23/18 of 16 March 2018) [serbian version]
  5. Rulebook on Determination of Assets Value, Calculation of Net Value of the Assets and Determination of Value of Accounting Unit of Voluntary Pension Fund (Off. Gazette of RS No. 113/17 of 21 December 2017) [serbian version]
  6. Rulebook on Content and Standardized Form of an Request for Issuing the Licence for Work of the Management Company of the Voluntary Pension Fund and Licence for Organising and Managing of the Voluntary Pension Fund (Off. Gazette of RS No. 76/09 of 21 August 2009) [serbian version]
  7. Forms for the Electronic Filling out of the Request for Issuing Licence for Work of the Management Company of the Voluntary Pension Fund and the Licence for Organizing and Managing of the Voluntary Pension Fund [serbian version]
  8. Rulebook on the Minimal Conditions of the Organizational, Personal and Technical Capacity of the Management Company of the Voluntary Pension Funds (Off. Gazette of RS No. 76/09 of 21 August 2009) [serbian version]
  9. Rulebook on the Mode of Openning of the Individual Accounts, Keeping the Register of Individual Accounts, Transfer of Funds and Issuing Individual Accounts Statements of the member of Voluntary Pension Fund (Off. Gazette of RS No. 76/09 from 21 August 2009) [serbian version]
  10. Rulebook on Advertising and Marketing of Voluntary Pension Funds (Off. Gazette of RS No. 76/09 of 21 August 2009) [serbian version]
  11. Rulebook on the Content of Prospectus and Simplified Prospectus of the Voluntary Pension Funds (Off. Gazette of RS No. 76/09 of 21 August 2009) [serbian version]